pp108 : Configuring Web Gateway on Apache Server

Configuring Web Gateway on Apache Server

This topic describes the procedure to configure Web Gateway on Apache server.

When installing Process Platform, you can choose to configure the installation on IIS, Apache, or both. If IIS is chosen during installation, you can configure Process Platform on Apache later. The steps for configuring Apache after the installation of Process Platform are discussed here.
<Web root> must be replaced with <Apache Installation directory>/htdocs.

  1. In the <Apache Installation Directory>\conf\httpd.conffile, type the following
    include <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conf 
  2. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conf, replace all <Install Dir> entries with the absolute path of the Process Platform installation directory.
  3. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, remove the comment tags from the following load modules corresponding to the version of Apache installed on your computer.


    Load Module

    Windows - Apache 2.0.X

    LoadModule cordys_wcp_module "<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory> /lib/mod_cordys_wcp2.dll"

    Linux - Apache 2.0.X

    LoadModule cordys_wcp_module "<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory> /lib/libmod_cordys_wcp2.so"

    Windows - Apache 2.2.X

    LoadModule cordys_wcp_module "<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory> /lib/mod_cordys_wcp.dll"

    Linux - Apache 2.2.X

    LoadModule cordys_wcp_module "<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory> /lib/libmod_cordys_wcp.so"

  4. Copy the files in the <IIS Web root>/anonymous folder to the <Apache Web root>/htdocs/anonymous folder.
  5. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the anonymous virtual directory configuration:
    Alias /cordysguest "<Web Root>\anonymous" <Directory "<Web Root>\anonymous"> Anonymous_NoUserID on Anonymous_VerifyEmail off Anonymous_MustGiveEmail off Anonymous_LogEmail off Anonymous anonymous Satisfy any Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above </Directory>
  6. Configure authentication in any of the following ways:

    Anonymous Authentication:

    1. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, remove the comment tags from the following load modules corresponding to the version of Apache installed on your computer. If these lines of code are not present, add them.


      Load Module

      Apache 2.0.X

      LoadModule auth_anon_module modules/mod_auth_anon.so

      Apache 2.2.X

      LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/mod_authn_anon.so

    2. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the Process Platform virtual directory configuration:
      <Directory '<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/Web'> Anonymous_NoUserID on Anonymous_VerifyEmail off Anonymous_MustGiveEmail off Anonymous_LogEmail off Anonymous anonymous Satisfy any Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above </Directory>
    3. Create a folder called wcpdev in the <Web root> folder.
    4. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the wcpdev virtual directory configuration:
      <Directory '<Web Root>/wcpdev'> Anonymous_NoUserID on Anonymous_VerifyEmail off Anonymous_MustGiveEmail off Anonymous_LogEmail off Anonymous anonymous Satisfy any Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above </Directory>

      Note:Ensure that the eventservice and packages virtual directories are not modified.

      NTLM Authentication:

    5. Ensure that the mod_auth_sspi.so is present within the <Web root>/modules folder.
    6. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, remove comment tags from the following load module. If the following code is not present, add it.
      LoadModule sspi_auth_module modules/mod_auth_sspi.so
    7. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the Process Platform virtual directory configuration:
      <Directory '<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/Web'> AllowOverride All AuthName "Cordys" AuthType SSPI SSPIAuth On SSPIAuthoritative On Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above Require valid-user </Directory>
    8. Create a folder called wcpdev in the <Web root> folder.
    9. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the wcpdev virtual directory configuration:
      <Directory '<Web Root>/wcpdev'> AllowOverride All AuthName "Cordys" AuthType SSPI SSPIAuth On SSPIAuthoritative On Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above Require valid-user </Directory>

      Note: Ensure that the eventservice and packagesvirtual directories are not modified.

      Basic Authentication:

    10. Generate passwords for all the required users using the htpasswd.exe file in the <Apache Installation Directory>/bin/ folder.
    11. Save the passwords in the password.txt file.
    12. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the Process Platform virtual directory configuration:
      <Directory '<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/Web'> AllowOverride All AuthType Basic AuthName "Cordys" AuthUserFile "<location of the passwd.txt file>" Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above require valid-user </Directory>
    13. Create a folder called wcpdev in the <Web root> folder.
    14. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the wcpdev virtual directory configuration:
      <Directory '<Web Root>/wcpdev'> AllowOverride All AuthType Basic AuthName "Cordys" AuthUserFile "<location of the passwd.txt file>" Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above require valid-user </Directory>

      Note: Ensure that the eventservice and packages virtual directories are not modified.
      For configuring SSO Authentication:

    15. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the Process Platform virtual directory configuration:
      <Directory '<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/Web'> Anonymous_NoUserID on Anonymous_VerifyEmail off Anonymous_MustGiveEmail off Anonymous_LogEmail off Anonymous anonymous Satisfy any Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above </Directory>
    16. Create a folder called wcpdev in the <Web root> folder.
    17. In the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conffile, type the following in the wcpdev virtual directory configuration:
      <Directory '<Web Root>/wcpdev'> Anonymous_NoUserID on Anonymous_VerifyEmail off Anonymous_MustGiveEmail off Anonymous_LogEmail off Anonymous anonymous Satisfy any Allow from all # Needed only for Apache 2.2.x and above </Directory>

      Note: Ensure that the eventservice and packages virtual directories are not modified.

  7. Assign the following Platform Properties with their respective values in Management Console . For more information on managing Platform Properties in Management Console, refer to Managing Properties.






    <web server root>


    the port number assigned to Apache

  8. Restart the Apache Web server.
    Web Gateway is configured on single Apache server.
    Note: You can configure Apache for multiple instances (or processes) of Process Platform Web gateway. For information on creating multiple instances on Apache, refer to Configuring Multiple Apache Server Processes.

Related tasks

Configuring Multiple Apache Instances

Related information

Managing Web Gateway